© 2025 — Lisa Louden

Relivit videoExternal communications example: Relivit.

Relivit is a start-up with plans to recycle Absorbent Hygiene Waste (AHW) – including nappies and incontinence products.  The first part of this project was to create cost-effective, innovative and captivating communications to present to potential investors to enable them to quickly understand Relivit and its business.

As Relivit is innovative, has lots of information to share and is light on attractive pictures (AHW is not what anyone would call sexy, including Relivit) a short, animated video was created. It told Relivit’s story, vision and technology in an engaging and easy to understand format.

This three-month contract project also provided a series of strategies and communications via various platforms.


After several investments in the company and much development, the second contract (two-month project) with Relivit was two-fold. Create a new website and create a new Information Memorandum for investors. The new website included uploading a theme, layout, writing and editing text and photos. See the end result here.

The new and updated Information Memorandum covered the who, what, where, why and how. A comprehensive 55-page document for investors.

Relivit website V2