© 2025 — Lisa Louden

Contract Control websiteWebsite content example: Contract Control

This is an example of content that was created for the initial build of a website for construction company, Contract Control. Following consultation on content and style, the job involved interviewing, writing, editing and some photography.

It also involved creating a simple guide for Contract Control staff introducing them to the CMS (Content Management System – the website’s backend) and how to use it. Additionally, I provided some hands-on CMS training for key staff. View Contract Control’s website

A style guide was also created so updates to the website could be completed by staff in keeping with the agreed style.

Contract Control - Ruyton Contract Control - St Jo'sContract Control - Ruyton Aquatic 154x154







WordPress website examples include Adore Animals, and in Highend Theme, this website (www.lisalouden.com) and Relivit’s, as seen below or here, and discussed under External Communications.

Relivit website V2